Saturdays 3-4 PM EST
Any Grade Level
My class will consist of two main focuses: poetry and its literary devices as well as persuasive writing and engaging writing voice. For poetry, we will read a few poems, depending on what grade level I will be teaching. We will explore the literary devices used in poems and learn how to use them. I may ask my students to write a small poem with a loose guideline to let them explore poetry and literary devices. For persuasive writing, I will introduce them to "what is persuasive writing" and teach how to persuade your reader in writing. We will analyze a few persuasive writings, passages etc. and discuss. Finally, I will ask them to work on their own creative persuasive writing that I will read and leave kind and helpful feedback on. My goal is for my students to have fun, not a lot of work and enjoy learning about English like I do! Homework will really be little to none.